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Getting a Hairdo


Our Story

The Black Hair Society (TBHS) is a social and legal voice for Afro textured, kinky and curly hair textures in the UK. 


We are committed to ending the discrimination and less favourable treatment experienced by all people who share these characteristics.


Our goal is to empower, educate and to increase the positive representation of afro hair in society, whether this be though enhancing society’s understanding of afro-hair, breaking down barriers to equal treatment in the access to hair care products, challenging discrimination and bias in education and the workplace- we seek to be a voice of change. 


We conduct research, provide educational resources, can support and assist in sign posting victims of discrimination and are a networking point for those who wish to access other organisations and projects also seeking to eliminate afro hair bias. Supporting us is one way of supporting change.


We believe that knowledge is power and through increasing society’s understanding of afro textured hair we will help eliminate discrimination and bias.


Get in touch to learn more about us and how to join our community.  




Meet The Team

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